
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Love Is In The Air!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and your new year has gotten off to a fantastic start!  I'm so glad to finally get my life back to some normalcy.  Our Christmas was very nice, albeit a bit out of the ordinary.  My husband was in the hospital three days before Christmas having hip replacement surgery.  I still can't believe he scheduled it for this time, but it was either then or wait until early spring.  With the pain he was in, it couldn't have come a day sooner.  And the surgery is so more advanced than when he had his first one done a few years ago.  He was out the following day, walking on crutches.  Still, timing wasn't the best, but we managed.  Unfortunately, his incision wasn't healing properly and they were worried about infection, so he was back in the hospital last weekend for a couple of days.  Hopefully all that is squared away and no more hospital visits!

I've finally been able to finish up a few Valentine pieces and just wanted to share them with you.  Up top is a new design this year.  Such a unique piece to hang in your primitive home.  I hope to get the pattern finished up as soon as I can find a little extra time!  This piece can be found in my Etsy shop.

These Valentine envelope and heart bags are a design from last year.  But this beautiful fabric is new for them this year.  This set has sold, but I am taking orders for them.  They are $16.95 for a set of two.

This is a nice wall hanging using a vintage cheese grater and a couple of pretty quilt top hearts.  It can be found in my Etsy shop.

A couple of sweet white quilt top hearts that have been stained and nicely decorated.

A sweet and simple little double heart wall hanging.

I love this gathering using a vintage brown enamel cup!

Another new design this year are these shabby "distressed" hearts.

This has been a popular set in past years.  I'm going to hate it when this quilt top is gone.

As have these hearts.  I believe I can make one more set of these.

And finally, another new set this year...these adorable pink homespun conversation hearts.

All of these can be found on Etsy.  Also, I have reopened my SPECIAL ORDERS up top.  I have a few single orders and a large order I am working on, so I'm running a little over a week on special orders at the moment.  Now is the time to start thinking about St. Patrick's Day and Easter, although, there is still plenty of time to get your Valentine orders in, too.

Thanks so much for dropping by today.  Hope you enjoyed a few of my newest creations.  ~~Annie

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