Well, I have been informed by my dear sweet friend, Leslie, of Harvest Home Primitives, that I have been honored with two wonderful blog awards. They were given to me at various times but I felt that since I really didn't know anyone out there in the blog world to forward them on to that I wasn't deserving of them to list them here on my blog. She has since slapped me on the wrist for thinking that and insists that I list them. Thank you so much for these wonderful awards, my sweet, sweet friend!
Here is the first award:
"This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers' aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes for self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!"
And the second award is:
Leslie, it was so sweet of you to think of me and pass these awards on to me. I'd pass them right back to you if I could, but instead I'll just let everyone know what a wonderful, sweet person you are. Please make sure to visit my friend, Leslie, at her wonderful blog by clicking on her banner below!

Annie, you are just tooooo sweet! Thank you for listing my blog! How kind of you and yes, my dear friend, you ARE deserving of those awards and I wanted you to post them with pride!! You have put SO much hard work into your blog and it shows!! You go, girl! LOL